DWI and DUI Charges

The Fry Law Firm, P.C. is skilled in handling all aspects of criminal cases as DWI and DUI Charges.

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) in some states are separate crimes. Generally, DWI is a more serious crime that involves a person who is under a lot of poisoning. DUI usually refers to a person who is driving with a moderate amount of intoxication.

Another approach is separating these crimes by a procedure used to convict someone. For example, sometimes the term DWI is used to refer to a statutory test "per se".

If you need help with any of these two crimes, do not hesitate to contact us.

The FY Law Firm, P.C. - Law Attorney Firm leaded by Frank Yeverino offering services in the following areas: CRIMINAL DEFENSE and INMIGRATION.



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The FY Law Firm, P.C.

The Attorney Frank Yeverino, from The The FY Family Law Firm, established in Houston Texas, talks about himself as a General Partner.



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