Criminal Defense in Houston

Assault Penalties, Punishments and Sentences

Assault penalties vary depending on the circumstances and the state, but sentence ranges and punishments for assault are usually serious because assault is considered a violent crime. Even minor assaults are treated more harshly because there is a concern that the level of violence will escalate when a second event arises.

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Possession of Drugs

When Miranda Rights Should Be Read?

Anyone who has watched a television show about law enforcement has a heard a police officer read the suspect his or her Miranda Rights. After placing the suspect under arrest, the officer will say something similar to, “You have the right to remain silent.

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Federal Crimes in Houston

What to do if the police use excessive force?

Police officers generally have broad powers to carry out their duties. The Constitution and other laws, however, place limits on how far police can go in trying to enforce the law. A primary purpose of the nation's civil rights laws is to protect citizens from abuses by government, including police misconduct.

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Driving Under the Influence DUI or DWI

What it means to be charged with a DUI or DWI

Drunk driving is known as driving under the influence (DUI) in some states and driving while intoxicated (DWI) in other states. Still, others use the term operating under the influence (OUI).

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Possession of Marijuana

Texas Marijuana Laws and Penalties

Possession of Marijuana – Texas Health and Safety Code Section 481.120
A person found with marijuana in his or her “possession” can be found guilty of possession of marijuana. “Possession” is a statutorily-defined term that includes having actual care, custody, control, or management of the marijuana. 

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The FY Law Firm, P.C.

The Attorney Frank Yeverino, from The The FY Family Law Firm, established in Houston Texas, talks about himself as a General Partner.



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